Monday, January 7, 2013

PPE and Triage - What you can expect


 For our final week of this blog I would like to share with you the final components to a good disaster preparedness.  When you are subjected to an emergency you may experience people who are wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) or if you are a healthcare worker you may have to don this equipment to provide care and keep yourself safe. 
     The unpleasant part of a disaster is the triage process.  No one wants to be in the unpleasant position of determining who gets care and who is left until later.  When we entered into the job of healthcare worker we entered with the realization that we would care for individuals and it is extremely hard to leave a person when they need us the most.  But, many man hours would be needed to care for that one individual and during an emergency man hours are hard to come by.  We must do the most care for the greatest amount of people.  

     So, in parting I would like to share the following with you: 
Visit the CDC at and learn what you can do to prepare for an emergency.  Think now, Prepare yourselves, and Act accordingly in an emergency and you might just save the lives of yourself and family members.

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