Monday, January 7, 2013

A Letter to My Students

Hello students!  I wanted to take this opportunity to introduce you to a topic that I am passionate about.  It is through this that I hope to inspire you to be passionate about a topic and to inspire that passion into each other.
I had to put this blog together for a course requirement when I was obtaining my Master’s in Nursing Education through Roberts Wesleyan College.  My instructor wanted us to develop a blog for a topic we could see ourselves teaching.  Well, that was easy for me in that I already am a certified instructor for Decontamination, Disaster Life Support, and Advanced Disaster Life Support; so you see why I chose this subject.   

Well, before this course I knew I was a very good instructor with an excellent track record for students who completed my courses with passing grades and certifications.  What Dr. Treschuk (my instructor) showed me (through the use of the computer only – no classroom time was used during this course) was that I will become an exceptional instructor who utilizes up-to-date, current, and innovative avenues of teaching.  No more using just boring PowerPoint presentations and standing in front of the class lecturing.  
Through the use of Voki and  
Stikz Movie
           by: Glad2brn
I can personalize a video just for you.  With the utilization of GlogsterEDU and Blogger (we are using blogger now for this blog presentation); I can present information in a new, fun, and informative context.  Prezi and adding audio to a PowerPoint presentation will help you not to lose interest in the topic.  If, during our time together you come across areas that you feel you need further help with we can utilize Skype to “talk” in person.  There are many other ways in which to present information to each other, so                                     

explore the possibilities together.  I can guarantee, you will have fun and you will learn.

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