Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Natural Disaster and Mass Casualty

Natural Disasters can range from Earthquakes to Winter Weather and with each different variety comes different information that you need to know.  Please check out the links I have provided for you concerning Natural Disasters and chose the one you need information for.  May 23, 2011 is ingrained in the memories of many who live and work in Joplin, Missouri.  That is the day the Category 5 Tornado hit.  Are you going to be ready?

 Mass Casualty happens after a major event whether it is chemical/biological terrorism or a natural disaster.  You need to be prepared as to what to do during and after to keep yourself and your family safe.  If you are a citizen, there is information for you specifically on what to expect from the emergency and healthcare workers.  This is something you may see.

Truck used to transport patients to hospital.
  If you are a healthcare worker there is information for you specifically on what to expect when handling the mass casualty.  As with the last blog post I am including free CEU’s for healthcare workers to use.
            Please I ask you to be prepared, check out the information and save the lives of yourselves and families.  To be knowledgeable is to be safe.

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