Monday, December 10, 2012

Chemical and Biological Terrorism

Biological attacks are the use of biological products or pathogens to harm human beings in order to cause mass hysteria and to change how governments work/interact (as seen in the 1984 Salmonella poisonings in Oregon).  Chemical attacks are the use of chemicals to cause the same reaction (as seen in the Tokyo Sarin attack); but chemical spills can also illicit the same type of response in the community and require the same type of reaction from the responders.

So, how can we as citizens become better prepared?  By doing research, learning about incidents and what to do when they occur.  This does not make us doomsdayers but makes us prepared citizens in the modern world.  As Healthcare Professionals we should be enlightened to the many facets that we could be subjected to on a daily basis.  We need to be educated and are always looking for CEU's so I supplied you with a few.  Enjoy! 

As you view the video please notice the differences of approach from emergency workers to biological threats versus chemical threats.  There are distinct differences in how each threat is handled.

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